Membrane Bio - Reaction Technology WWTP (WWTP, CAMIX Vietnam)
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Process
The membrane bioreactor (MBR) process is a GE technology that consists of a suspended growth biological reactor integrated with an ultrafiltration membrane system, using the hollow fiber membrane. Essentially, the ultrafiltration system replaces the solids separation function of secondary clarifiers and sand filters in a conventional activated sludge system.
Ultrafiltration membranes are immersed in an aeration tank, in direct contact with mixed liquor. Through the use of a permeate pump, a vacuum is applied to a header connected to the membranes. The vacuum draws the treated water through the hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes. Permeate is then directed to disinfection or discharge facilities. Intermittent airflow is introduced to the bottom of the membrane module, producing turbulence that scours the external surface of the hollow fibers. This scouring action transfers rejected solids away from the membrane surface.
Membrane bioreactor technology effectively overcomes the problems associated with poor settling of sludge in conventional activated sludge processes. MBR technology permits bioreactor operation with considerably higher mixed liquor solids concentrations than conventional activated sludge systems that are limited by sludge settling. The MBR process is typically operated at a mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration in the range of 8,000 to 10,000 mg/L. Elevated biomass concentrations allow for highly effective removal of both soluble and particulate biodegradable material in the waste stream. The MBR process combines the unit operations of aeration, secondary clarification and filtration into a single process, producing a high quality effluent, simplifying operation and greatly reducing space requirements.
In most cases waste water is cleaned in conventional active sludge (CAS) systems.
These systems work well but the effluent quality still contains a lot of substances like micro-organisms and in the case of heavy rainfall sludge is discharged in the receiving canals, lakes and rivers because there is no settling in the secondary clarifiers.
In membrane bioreactors (MBR) these settlers are replaced by membranes with the advantages of improved effluent quality with lower concentrations of pathogens and micro-pollutants, better reuse options, a smaller footprint and the possibility to maintain large concentrations of micro-organisms in the system, even under extreme conditions.
The main bottleneck in MBR systems is membrane fouling which requires frequent cleanings with chemicals, a larger installed membrane area and higher energy consumption.
Also shock loads can give rise to severe problems.
One research project identifies the membrane fouling trends against shocks in order to make MBRs more robust, less energy demanding and more economical.
Aerobic waste water treatment processes consume a lot of oxygen/energy for the breakdown of all the dissolved organic substances. Moreover, a lot of sludge is produced. In case the solutes can be flocculated and concentrated with membranes before mineralization takes place, anaerobic digestion can be used to produce biogas. This makes the high loaded MBR process much more efficient.
Permeate from an MBR is cleaner in comparison with the effluent from a CAS system.
This makes the MBR permeate a good source for water reuse after tertiary effluent polishing.
This tertiary treatment can be done with Nanofiltration (NF) or Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes. However, these processes produce also a concentrate stream which must be discharged. One possibility is to return this concentrate to the MBR but this may result in scaling on top of the membranes and toxicity problems for the biology. Positive point is that the NF/RO concentrate may contain phosphates etc. which may be reused as fertilizer in case they can be separated.
Special water sources for reuse are available in the oil and gas industry. Large amounts of water are produced during the production of oil and gas and also petrochemical waste waters from refineries and chemical plants can be reused. These waters contain many different hydrocarbons and other organic substances that may have an effect on the biology and give rise to special membrane fouling and aging problems.
Wetsus’ research in these waste water treatment fields combines know-how on biochemistry, biotechnology, membrane technology and process technology. This multidisciplinary approach is expected to provide innovative solutions for the complex problems in membrane bioreactors.