Biological Treatment Technology with the Extension Aeration (Oxidation Ditch)
An oxidation ditch is a modified activated sludge biological treatment process that utilizes long solids retention times (SRTs) to remove biodegradable organics. Oxidation ditches are typically complete mix systems, but they can be modified to approach plug flow conditions. (Note: as conditions approach plug flow, diffused air must be used to provide enough mixing. The system will also no longer operate as an oxidation ditch). Typical oxidation ditch treatment systems consist of a single or multichannel configuration within a ring, oval, or horseshoe-shaped basin. As a result, oxidation ditches are called “racetrack type” reactors. Horizontally or vertically mounted aerators provide circulation, oxygen transfer, and aeration in the ditch.
Preliminary treatment, such as bar screens and grit removal, normally precedes the oxidation ditch. Primary settling prior to an oxidation ditch is sometimes practiced, but is not typical in this design. Tertiary filters may be required after clarification, depending on the effluent requirements. Disinfection is required and reaeration may be necessary prior to final discharge. Flow to the oxidation ditch is aerated and mixed with return sludge from a secondary clarifier. A typical process flow diagram for an activated sludge plant using an oxidation ditch is shown in Figure 1.
Surface aerators, such as brush rotors, disc aerators, draft tube aerators, or fine bubble diffusers are used to circulate the mixed liquor. The mixing process entrains oxygen into the mixed liquor to foster microbial growth and the motive velocity ensures contact of microorganisms with the incoming wastewater. The aeration sharply increases the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration but decreases as biomass uptake oxygen as the mixed liquor travels through the ditch. Solids are maintained in suspension as the mixed liquor circulates around the ditch. If design SRTs are selected for nitrification, a high degree of nitrification will occur. Oxidation ditch effluent is usually settled in a separate secondary clarifier. An anaerobic tank may be added prior to the ditch to enhance biological phosphorus removal.
An oxidation ditch may also be operated to achieve partial denitrification. One of the most common design modifications for enhanced nitrogen removal is known as the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process. In this process, illustrated in Figure 2, an anoxic tank is added upstream of the ditch along with mixed liquor recirculation from the aerobic zone to the tank to achieve higher levels of denitrification. In the aerobic basin, autotrophic bacteria (nitrifiers) convert ammonia-nitrogen to nitrite-nitrogen and then to nitrate-nitrogen. In the anoxic zone, heterotrophic bacteria convert nitratenitrogen to nitrogen gas which is released to the atmosphere. Some mixed liquor from the aerobic basin is recirculated to the anoxic zone to provide a mixed liquor with a high-concentration of nitratenitrogen to the anoxic zone.
Several manufacturers have developed modifications to the oxidation ditch design to remove nutrients in conditions cycled or phased between the anoxic and aerobic states. While the mechanics of operation differ by manufacturer, in general, the process consists of two separate aeration basins, he first anoxic and the second aerobic. Wastewater and return activated sludge (RAS) are introduced into the first reactor which operates under anoxic conditions. Mixed liquor then flows into the second reactor operating under aerobic conditions. The process is then reversed and the second reactor begins to operate under anoxic conditions.
The oxidation ditch process is a fully demonstrated secondary wastewater treatment technology, applicable in any situation where activated sludge treatment (conventional or extended aeration) is appropriate. Oxidation ditches are applicable in plants that require nitrification because the basins can be sized using an appropriate SRT to achieve nitrification at the mixed liquor minimum temperature. This technology is very effective in small installations, small communities, and isolated institutions, because it requires more land than conventional treatment plants.
The oxidation process originated in the Netherlands, with the first full scale plant installed in Voorschoten, Holland, in 1954. There are currently more than 9,200 municipal oxidation ditch installations in the United States (WEF, 1998). Nitrification to less than 1 mg/L ammonia nitrogen consistently occurs when ditches are designed and operated for nitrogen removal.
The main advantage of the oxidation ditch is the ability to achieve removal performance objectives with low operational requirements and operation and maintenance costs. Some specific advantages of oxidation ditches include:
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An added measure of reliability and performance over other biological processes owing to a constant water level and continuous discharge which lowers the weir overflow rate and eliminates the periodic effluent surge common to other biological processes, such as SBRs. | |
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Long hydraulic retention time and complete mixing minimize the impact of a shock load or hydraulic surge. | |
■ | Produces less sludge than other biological treatment processes owing to extended biological activity during the activated sludge process. | |
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Energy efficient operations result in reduced energy costs compared with other biological treatment processes. |
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Effluent suspended solids concentrations are relatively high compared to other modifications of the activated sludge process. | |
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Requires a larger land area than other activated sludge treatment options. This can prove costly, limiting the feasibility of oxidation ditches in urban, suburban, or other areas where land acquisition costs are relatively high. |