
Belt Filtering Press (Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems, WWTS_CAMIX Vietnam)


What is a Belt Filter Press?

A Belt Filter Press is a Biosolids/sludge dewatering device that applies mechanical pressure to a chemically conditioned slurry, which is sandwiched between two (2) tensioned belts, by passing those belts through a serpentine of decreasing diameter rolls. The machine can actually be divided into three (3) zones: gravity zone, where free draining water is drained by gravity through a porous belt; wedge zone, where the solids are prepared for pressure application; and pressure zone, where medium, then high pressure is applied to the conditioned solids.

Typically, a belt filter press receives a slurry ranging from 1-4% feed solids and produces a final product of 12-35% cake solids. Performance depends on the nature of the solids being processed.


Product Options and Applications

Some Belt Filter Presses are available in a three-belt, a two-belt, and an extended gravity two-belt design. The three-belt press has an independent gravity zone with a more open belt for more rapid drainage of the volume of water. The extended gravity design has a longer gravity drainage zone. Selection of the basic machine is a function of the type of sludge and feed solids.


CAMIX as sludge treatment specialist, we have developed various concepts for different sludge dewatering applications. CAMIX offers a full range of dewatering equipment that provides superior performance, mechanical reliability, long-life durability and user friendly features.

CAMIX belt filter press design is one of the most efficient sludge dewatering units which can be applied through organic and inorganic sludge’s to achieve required results at minimum operating cost.

Sludge dewatering systems generally include a pre-dewatering section (BTN) for thin sludge suspensions. It not only reduces the sludge volume, but also increases enormously the capacity of subsequent dewatering units.

The CAMIX belt filter press can handle very thick sludge’s and for this an independent gravity drainage deck is provided to pre-thicken the sludge before it enters the main wedge and pressing sections.

Basically in the BFP, the sludge dewatering is achieved by bringing the sludge between the two moving belts which in turn moves on the varying sizes of rollers keeping belts under tension through pneumatic (or hydraulic) cylinder system which results in squeezing out the liquid trapped between the solids and withdrawn separately through the filtrate trays. An adequate arrangement is provided for auto belt tracking / tensioning which makes the system operator friendly.

CAMIX Belt Presses have been used in all five continents with great success in a wide variety of applications - from industrial and municipal water & waste water treatment to food processing, slaughter house applications and refineries.




