
Making a report on environmental impact assessment (WTP & WWTP_CAMIX Vietnam)


The objects must making a report on environmental impact assessmen:

     The objects have production capacity project scale as defined at the appendix of Decree 21/2008/NĐ-CP dated 28/02/2008 of Goverment about the modifying, adding some articles of Decree 80/2006/NĐ-CP dated 09/08/2006 of Goverment about the detailed regulation & implement guidance some articles of law on environmetal protection.
     The enterprises in industrial & processing zones, factories with big capacity, projects of breeding, cultivating, resort, golf, city residence, trading centre, hotel, hospital, school...



Content & procedure of works:


Surveying condition of geography, geology, climate, hydrography.


Investigation, surceying, collecting the datas on condition of nature, environment, economy - society.


Surveying, taking a sample, measurement & analyzing air samples, water samples, soil samples inside & nearby the project area.


Determine the microclimate factors inside the project area.


Evaluating the environmental situation at the project area.


Determining the pollution sources of project such as: exhaust fumes, wastewater, solid waste, noise; determining arising wastes during project construction & operation by the ways of statistic, analysis, collection, quick evaluation.


Evaluating the level of impact, influence of above pollution resources to the factors of resource, environment, society and people nearby project execution.


Building up the methods to reduce pollution for the project implement phase.


Building up the methods to reduce pollution, methods to manage environment during project operation and providing against environmental troubles.


Proposing the solution for wastewater treatment, exhaust fumes, the solution for collecting & treating solid waste from project execution.


Bulding up the program of environmental supervision.


Organizing assembly to appraise & approve the report.
